9mm Blank PA.P.V Pepper Cartridges box of 10( Read Description Before Purchasing)




Pepper cartridges in 9mm P.A. for blank/pepper/flare guns.

Pepper Cartridges

 Pepper cartridges turn blank guns into self-defence weapons. When you fire the pepper cartridge from your blank gun, it vaporizes the irritant inside it, causing a gas cloud to emerge from the barrel. It is the most effective within a range of 6 meters.


What happens when the irritant comes into contact with the skin, eyes, or lungs? It will cause intense burning if it lands on your skin, followed by inflammation of the affected area. If you get the irritant in your eyes, it causes temporary visual impairment, typically around 30 minutes. If breathed into the lungs, it will cause difficulty breathing but not be life-threatening. 

– Content: 120mg pepper / cartridge
– Material: Steel
– Caliber: 9mm P.A.

ammunition and cartridges for use in devices exempted in terms of section 5 of the firearms control act, act no. 60 of 2000

regulation 102(4) and 103(4)

It is mandatory for any customer who purchases this product to complete the explosives register on the website, it is located on the tab explosives register which is located on the menu tab on mobile or inline with the home and shop tab on desktop. Without having completed the form after making your purchase we will not courier, we will remind you via sms/email after you have completed checkout.


Limited to 1 box per purchase.

if purchasing in-store bring your pistol with.